SHOTS 2a/2b and 3
Screenplay by Paige Popham
DRAFT DATE 12/10/10
Two characters appear in the CENTRE of the FRAME. They are EMILY and OWEN. They are both dressed in ordinary CLOTHING (e.g. jeans and t-shirt).
MEDIUM LONG SHOT of EMILY AND OWEN standing in the kitchen. OWEN is making a cup of tea and has his back to the CAMERA while EMILY is facing it. THE CAMERA is stationary. The diegetic sound is a RADIO playing in the background.
Last night was fun. We’ll have to go out on a regular basis.
Yeah, we’ll definitely have to do something like that more often.
Ah, pass the milk would ya?
EMILY pulls out a GLASS BOTTLE OF MILK from the fridge and drops it on the floor. THE BOTTLE smashes as it hits the floor.
Oh no! I’m so sorry. Such a clutz!
That’s ok. I’ve got it.
OWEN starts to clean up the SHARDS OF GLASS and the spilt MILK
There. It’s fine. What would you do if I EVER left you?
I’d have to kill you.
OWEN is in the FOREFRONT of the shot while EMILY is in the BACKGROUND. EMILY can be seen over OWEN’s RIGHT SHOULDER. The FOCUS switches from EMILY to OWEN to reveal a CLOSE UP of OWEN’s devious expression.
After Filming
When it came to filming, parts of the script sounded really mechanical when read aloud so it was adapted to sound more natural and therefore more realistic. The aspect of the glass milk bottle was not to used in filming because in order to shoot and re-shoot from different angles it was time consuming and costly to keep replacing it and it also posed a health and safety risk to my actors so I was unprepared to use this prop. It was replaced with a more typical plastic container. Most of the shots stated on the script were used but some didn't look right in practice so they were adapted to fit the storyline better. When editing this sequence, some of the text was cut out completely as it took up too much time and did not covey the genre well or quick enough in the trailer.